Net Shot and Smash

Tactical Problem: To recover after a net shot for a smash.
Skill Development: Practicing a net shot, recovering to the center of the court, and smashing.

Teaching Points:

Net Shot (backhand & forehand):

  • Racquet parallel to the ground.
  • Lunge to birdie.
  • Lunge with racquet leg.
  • Land and strike birdie at same time.
  • Palm up for forehand, Palm down for backhand. 
  • Knife-like stab at birdie, no swing or little upward motion.
  • Back to ready position.
  • Outcome: birdie tumbles and tight to net.
  • Non-racquet arm up (aiming, balance, trunk rotation)
  • Racket arm extension.
  • Snap the wrist.
  • Hit down.
  • Weight transfer.
  • Follow through, and back to ready position.

  • Outcome: high and deep.


Organizational Points:
  • In groups of 4 or more.
  • Two feeders; one hand feeds along the forehand singles line, across the net, and the other serve feeds from the opposite service box and feed directly across to the middle of the court.
  • The performer will lung for the forehand net shot and retreat to center court to smash the served birdie.
  • Then goes back in line.